The staff and students of our school visited the Santacruz Bus Depot on 14th October 2022. It was a very wonderful, enriching, exciting and a very informative visit.
The staff of the Bus Depot gave a very through information about the different areas of the Depot viz: the medical room, inspection area, repair and maintenance area, staff room, manager and senior official’s room, information desk, canteen etc. The kids experienced the bus ride within the depot and also had the opportunity to buy tickets. A special cleaning zone of the bus was also shown. The kids enjoyed the process of the bus been cleaned with a special mechanism.
As a part of a recap activity of the kids Field Trip to the “Bus Depot”, we made children express their views and thoughts about the visit through the medium of art( drawing).
The teacher also made every child express his/ her thoughts verbally – a way to hone their speaking skills and develop the confidence to speak in front of the whole class.
0:09 / 3:25
You, Manasi Patki, Fehmina Ansari and 33 others
