Principal’s Message

Principal Dr. Hutoxi Aibara

Principal’s Message

Education is defined as “a natural process spontaneously carried out by a human individual and is acquired not by merely listening to words but by the experiences in the environment”. If education is more than academics, then it is important to understand its aims with a value for original thoughts and interpretations as well as a respect for emerging strengths. Thus, the role of parents and teachers in the journey of Education of the children cannot be underestimated.“Accept the things you cannot change & change the things you can with courage & strength. But you need to have the wisdom to know the difference…….. This difference is provided through education.”

“Our children of Today will shape the new Tomorrow, on the Values we inculcate in them. On Today, will depend the Future of the world” – Ralph Waldo Emerson. We, at SES’s Malti Jayant Dalal High School try to provide a value based education which is the vital need of any society as well as the dream & vision of every true educationist, thus creating a conducive atmosphere for a student’s all round development in the global village.

‘People are like stained glass windows. They sparkle & shine when the sun is out, but, when darkness sets in ……………….. their true beauty is revealed only if there is a light from within.’ – Elizabeth Kubler Ross.The staff members try to encourage & motivate each child so that he / she develops the determination to develop a good all round personality as well as adhere to the values of life in a positive manner. It is the aim of each one of us that each & every child stepping out of our esteemed institution is physically, morally, ethically, emotionally & spiritually developed person to climb the ladder of life successfully.

I thank the President, the Trustees and the Management Members of the Sadhana Education Society, Students, C.A.O sir, Parents and above all the Teaching and the Non- Teaching Staff for their help, support, encouragement and motivation. I wish each & everyone the very best & may your dreams come true.

God Bless You!

Dr. Hutoxi Aibara