Statutory Bodies

[G.R. No:RMSA 2010 / (507/10) Mah. Shi.1; Dated 30th June, 2010]

[G.R. No:PRE 2010/ Pr. Kr. 217/Mah. Shi.1; Dated 17th June, 2010; RTE Rules Dated 11th October, 2011]


  1. In case of the School Committee, the tenure of the nominee of the Teaching Staff and Non-Teaching Staff is one academic year. The nominee of the Teaching staff and Non-Teaching staff are to be appointed based on the seniority and must be appointed at the beginning of the Academic Year. No restriction of tenure on the Management nominees.
  2. The tenure of the DC i.e. the Development Committee is FIVE year for all the members.
  3. The School Committee must be conducted ONCE in every two months i.e. 6 times in ONE academic year and the Development Committee must be conducted ONCE every quarter i.e. 4 times in one academic year.
  4. The Schedule for the meetings of the School Committee and Development Committee should already circulated amongst all and the Heads of the Institutions to convey the same to the external members for better planning.
  5. Notice for the meeting of the SC / DC must reach all the members at least 8 days in advance of the date of the proposed meeting. The Notice for the meeting should specify the date, place and timing of the venue along with the agenda for the meeting. The notice for the meeting must also specify the name and designation of the members of the Committee (in C.C.).  The notice may be sent through e-mail / hard copy as per the requirement of the members. Advisable that the date, timing and the agenda for the meeting be finalised with the CAO / Hon. Gen. Secretary.
  6. The probable items that can be included as agenda for the meeting / Scope of the functions of the School Committee / DC is specified in the MEPS ACT / Maharashtra Public Universities Act (as applicable).
  7. The notice of the meeting must be accompanied by the corrected minutes of the last meeting and with a small note giving some information about the items on the agenda and the annexures / data / circular / detail note etc. related to the item/s on the agenda so that the discussion and deliberations can be more focussed and constructive.
  8. All the members of the committee may be given a gentle reminder about the date, time and venue of the meeting immediately after sending the mail / hardcopy and also a day prior to the conduct of the meeting.
  9.  Advisable that the hard copy of the notice of the meeting, final draft of the minutes of the last meeting, brief note on various items on the agenda and the annexures/ attachments related to the items on the agenda be made available for each member of the committee.
  10. The draft of the minutes held must be circulated to all the members within 15 days of the conduct of the meeting for corrections / suggestions by the members. Head of the Institution will be responsible to ensure that the changes / corrections / suggestions recommended by the members are incorporated in the final draft of the minutes when they are circulated later with the notice of the next meeting.
  11. A proper register be maintained wherein the notice of the meeting, attendance of the members attending the meeting and the minutes of the meeting are recorded properly and systematically.


1. Mr. VishwasDhumal CHAIRMAN
2. Mr. Mohan Almal HON. GEN SECRETARY – SES
3. Mr. Bharat Vaja TREASURER – SES
4. Mr. Sharad Mehta TRUSTEE – SES
5. Mr. Shripad Tamhane CAO
6. Dr. JayashreeInbaraj


7. Mrs. ShailejaVanmali


9. Dr. HutoxiAibara



[G.R. No:SN1099/ (27/99) Mah. Shi.2; Dated22nd May, 2000]

As per the directives of the Education Department, M.J.D.High School has established a Parent- Teacher Association (PTA) for the Primary and Secondary section respectively. The composition of the PTA is one parent representative from each division and the class teacher of each division.


  • To support quality education in the community and before governmental bodies and other organization affecting education.
  • To assist the school to reach out to all the parents and help them to develop an awareness of the needs of young children and the effects of different parenting styles.
  • To encourage all parents and public to support and involve in the activity of the school.


  • To promote the welfare of the children and youth at home, in the school and in the community.
  • To raise the standards of home and family life as well as provide awareness for their health and happiness.
  • To secure adequate laws for the cars and protection of children and youth.
  • To bring about a close relation between the home and the school – that parents and teachers co-operate intelligently in the education of children and youth.
  • To make united efforts between educators and the general public which will secure for all children the highest advantages in physical, mental, social and moral education.
  • Every parent is requested to participate wholeheartedly in PTA, either by becoming a member or by contributing towards the goals of PTA.




1. V A Mrs. Shraddha W. Mrs. Sunita Singh.
2. V B Mr. Ankush B. Mrs. Madhudevi Gond
3. V C Ms. Binita J. Mrs. Zahida Qureshi.
4. VI A Ms. Suman P. Mrs. FirdousBodle.
5. VI B Mrs. Geetanjali A. Mrs. Poonam Pawar.
6. VI C Mrs. Jyoti B. Mrs. Phoolbano Shaikh
7. VII A Mr. Radheshyam P. Mrs. Ranjita Gupta.
8. VII B Ms. Maneesha N. Mrs. Abida Shaikh.
9. VII C Mr. Subash Y. Mrs. Ruby Shah.
10. VIII A Mrs. Surekha W. Mrs. Kanta Thakur.
11. VIII B Mrs. Mahek S. Mrs. Poonam Rawat.
12. VIII C Mrs. Surekha R. Mrs. Heema Tiwari.
13. IX A Mr. Himanshu W. Mrs. Shikha Pawar.
14. IX B Mrs. Arpana A. Mr. Prajapati.
15. IX C Mr. Deepak S. Mrs. Nasreen Darugar.

P.T.A. OFFICE BEARERS 2019 – 2020

S. No. Name TITLE designation
1. Dr. Hutoxi Aibara Principal President
2. Mrs. Renna Rodriques Supervisor Jt. Vice President
3.   Parent Jt. Vice President
4. Mrs. Shaileja Vanmali Teacher Representative Jt. Secretary
5.   Parent Jt. Secretary




1. I A
2. I B
3. I C
4. II A
5. II B
6. II C
7. III A
8. III B
9. III C
10. IV A
11. IV B
12. IV C


S. No. Name TITLE designation
1. Principal President
2. Supervisor Jt. Vice President
3.   Parent Jt. Vice President
4. Teacher Representative Jt. Secretary
5.   Parent Jt. Secretary

[G.R. No:SSC No. 10 B]

          S. No. Name TITLE designation
1. Dr. Hutoxi Aibara Principal Chairman
2. Mrs. Renna Rodriques Supervisor Vice Chairman
3. Mrs. Anita Saldanha Teacher Member
4. Mrs. Shaileja Vanmali Teacher’s


Teacher’s Nominee
5. Mr. Subash Yadav Teacher Member
6. Mr. Ankush Bhoir Teacher Member
7. Mst. Mahesh Singh Student’s Representative Head Boy
8. Ms. Kainath Shaikh Student Representative Head Girl
S. No. Name TITLE designation
1. Dr. Hutoxi Aibara Principal Chairman
2. Mrs. Renna Rodriques Supervisor  Vice Chairman
3. Mrs. Anita Saldanha Teacher Member
4. Mrs. Smita Kamble Teacher Member
5. Mrs. Jyoti Badhe Teacher Member
6. Mr. Subash Yadav Teacher Member

[G.R. No: Kr. Sank. 2010/ (76/10) Prashasan.1; Dated 31stMarch, 2010]

[G.R. No: Kr. Sank. 2014/ Pr.Kr. 439 / S. M. 1; Dated 14th January, 2015]

The Vishaka Guidelines were a set of procedural guidelines for use in India in cases of sexual harassment. They were promulgated by the Indian Supreme Court in 1997 and were superseded in 2013 by the Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal) Act, 2013.

S. No. Name TITLE designation
1. Dr. Hutoxi Aibara Principal Chairman
2. Mrs. Renna Rodriques Supervisor Vice Chairman
3. Mrs. Mahek Shaikh Teacher Member
4. Mrs. Shaileja Vanmali Teacher


Teacher Nominee
5. Mrs. Poonam Rawat Parent Parent Nominee
6. Mrs. Hema Tiwari Parent Nominee
7. Mrs. Shikha Pawar Parent Parent Nominee
8. Mrs. Nasreen Darugar Parent Parent Nominee
9. Mrs. Mumtaz Khan Parent Parent Nominee
10. Mrs. Asia Khan Parent Parent Nominee

[G.R. No:SSC No. 10 B; Dated 2012]

Meena-Raju Manch (MRM) is a Maharashtra state government programme (in collaboration with UNICEF, with key support coming from CORO), which has been implemented in Mumbai schools. … A teacher told us about an interesting incident that happened in one of these Mumbai schools where Hindi is the teaching language. The programme started under the name of Meena Manch, but since 2012, it has been renamed Meena-Raju Manch. The idea was to involve male students as their participation was necessary to bring about real social change.

  1. Boys and Girls are equal partners in bringing about social change, children learn at the Meena Raju Manch.
  2. Students from Std. 5 to 8 are enrolled in the programme. Great care is taken to ensure that the programme does not become too theoretical or bookish, or degenerate into a propaganda tool.
  3. Oath against abusive language: the first step towards mutual respect.
  4. Use of time for girls and for boys: an understanding of unequal distribution of labour.
  5. Discussion with the teacher to find a solution for the injustice and create equity for girls in education.
  6. The Meena-Raju Manch is fostering tangible change. It is urging boys and men to rethink many things, so that gender equality does not remain a mere idea. It might be said that the programmes’ success lies in the fact that many more people are now practicing gender equality in everyday life.
S. No. Name TITLE designation
1. Dr. Hutoxi Aibara Principal Chairman
2. Mrs. Renna Rodriques Supervisor Vice Chairman
3. Mrs. Smita Kamble Teacher In-Charge Secretary
4. Mrs. Shaileja Vanmali Teacher


Teacher Nominee
5. Mrs. Rupali Vaidya Female Teacher Member
6. Mr. Sanjay Patil Male Teacher Member
7. Mrs. Sunita Singh. Female Parent Parent Nominee
8. Mrs. Madhudevi Gond Female Parent Parent Nominee
9. Mrs. Zahida Qureshi. Female Parent Parent Nominee
10. Mrs. Firdous Bodle. Female Parent Parent Nominee
11. Mr. A. Prajapati Male Parent Parent Nominee
12. Mr. S. Yadav Male Parent Parent Nominee

Every year, on 31 May, the World Health Organization (WHO) and global partners celebrate World No Tobacco Day (WNTD). The annual campaign is an opportunity to raise awareness on the harmful and deadly effects of tobacco use and second-hand smoke exposure, and to discourage the use of tobacco in any form.The focus of World No Tobacco Day 2019 is on “tobacco and lung health.” The campaign will increase awareness on:

  • The negative impact that tobacco has on people’s lung health, from cancer to chronic respiratory disease,
  • The fundamental role lungs play for the health and well-being of all people.
S. No. Name TITLE designation
1. Dr. Hutoxi Aibara Principal Chairman
2. Mrs. Renna Rodriques Supervisor Vice Chairman
3. Mr. Himanshu Worlikar Teacher Secretary
4. Mrs. Shaileja Vanmali Teacher


Teacher Nominee
5. Mrs. Surekha Waghmare Teacher Member
6. Mr. Deepak Singh Teacher Member

[G.R. No:MDMMah. Shi.2; Dated 16thMay, 2002]

The Mid-day Meal Scheme is a school meal programme of the Government of India designed to better the nutritional standing of school-age children nationwide. The programme supplies free lunches on working days for children in primary and upper primary classes in government, government aided, local body, Education Guarantee Scheme, and alternate innovative education centres, Madarsa and Maqtabs supported under SarvaShikshaAbhiyan, and National Child Labour Project schools run by the ministry of labour. Serving 120,000,000 children in over 1,265,000 schools and Education Guarantee Scheme centres, it is the largest of its kind in the world.

Under article 24, paragraph 2cof the Convention on the Rights of the Child, to which India a party is,India has committed to yielding “adequate nutritious food” for children. The programme has undergone many changes since its launch in 1995. The Midday Meal Scheme is covered by the National Food Security Act, 2013. The legal backing to the Indian school meal programme is akin to the legal backing provided in the US through the National School Lunch Act.

S. No. Name TITLE designation
1. Dr. Hutoxi Aibara Principal Chairman
2. Mrs. Renna Rodriques Supervisor  Vice Chairman
3. Ms. Maneesha Nishad Teacher Member
4. Ms. Binita Jaiswal Teacher Member
5. Mrs. Phoolbano Shaikh Parent Member