Author: m@dmds1

गुरुर्ब्रह्मा ग्रुरुर्विष्णुः गुरुर्देवो महेश्वरः गुरुः साक्षात् परं ब्रह्म तस्मै श्री गुरवे नमः A teacher is a guiding light! The festival of Guru Purnima was celebrated in our school on 3rd July 2023. To mark this auspicious day, after the morning prayer, the students of std 10th recited the shlokas and 
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An activity was conducted in Std 6th (Subject:-History) where all students have got a famous food item of different states prepared from home, some students dressed up according to the states and some students made different structures of houses. The activity helped the students to learn the difference in staple 
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Earth is a very unique planet in the solar system. To teach more about the earth’s interior, an activity was conducted for the students of std 8th to elevate them and give them a hands on experience. Using the clay material, the students prepared several clay models which gave them 
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A student council meeting was conducted on the 14th of July 2023. The elected headboy & the head girl, the sports captains along with the prefects of all the classes assembled in the school hall for a short meeting which was presided by our principal and the supervisor of our 
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9th International Yoga Day: 21st June 2023 We, at Malti Jayant Dalal High School’s Primary Section, celebrated this occasion in accordance with the Ministry of Ayush’s Yoga Protocol with this year’s theme being “Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam”. The term means the whole world is a family where we all are connected with 
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We welcomed our students to the new academic year 2023-24. Every class teacher planned an activity to make each child feel welcome and at ease after they arrived post their long summer vacation. Some classes had smiley tiaras and in some classes, students received a floral welcome. Students danced and 
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We celebrated Eid in our school on 3rd July 2023. Our students sang songs and performed Sufi dance. Teachers also explained the significance of the occasion. Our students also decorated the school premises with art and craft materials.
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The enthusiastic students of std V of our Malti Jayant Dalal  Secondary School celebrated ‘World Asteroid Day’. Teachers delivered engaging presentations on various aspects of asteroids such as their formation and potential dangers they pose to Earth. Students also shared their knowledge about asteroids with everyone.
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A parent teacher meeting was held in our premises on the 24th June 2023. Our aim was to meet the parents and discuss with them the plans we have for our students for this academic year. It was a great interaction between the teacher and the parents for the development 
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The election for the Students’ Council was held at Malti Jayant Dalal High School on 28th June 2023.  The objective of appointing the Student’ Council is to provide a platform to the students to develop leadership qualities by organizing and carrying out school activities and service projects.
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