Project Exhibition 2023-24

Today, we organized a Project Exhibition on ‘Plants and Pollution’.
The projects covered various topics like germination of seeds, things obtained from plants, factors that cause pollution on land, in water and air.
It was a combined effort by the students, parents and the teachers.
Each project was designed by a group of students, where they explained every aspect of the model.
This exhibition was basically organised to make the students work in collaboration and to boost their confidence.
We also invited students from our neighbouring school (Holy Cross High School- Juhu) to witness the exhibition.
It was indeed a pleasure to see our student’s happy faces at the end of the day when the results of their efforts were declared.
We had Dr. Akshata Kulkarni from L. S. Raheja College of Arts and Commerce, Dr. Megha D’Souza from Smt. Kapila Khandwala College of Education and Mrs. Aparna Satghare from Malti Jayant Dalal Pre Primary School, as the judges to assess the projects.
We also thank our CAO, Mr. Vijay Parmar who boosted the morale of our students by acknowledging their participation.